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Testimonies of Healing

I am desirous of expressing my...

From the March 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am desirous of expressing my gratitude for Christian Science through a written testimony. The saying, "Man's extremity is God's opportunity," was proved true in my case. While I was doing a vaudeville act, working alone, a throat trouble developed which was diagnosed as a growth on my vocal chords. I had treatments from one of the best throat specialists for many weeks, and finally an operation was performed. I had not spoken above a whisper all the time I was having treatments. My money was all gone, for I had paid all I had to the doctors; and I was in debt, owing to the fact that I could not work. I also had my mother to support. At this period I was offered work in vaudeville, but was told by the doctor that I would not be able to work for at least a year, and that should I use my voice, even in an ordinary speaking tone, I would lose it permanently. The doctor said he would operate on my throat again in four days. I dreaded another operation, but it was necessary for me to work; I was indeed discouraged, and did not know which way to turn.

At this point Christian Science was recommended by a dear friend who saw my need. I was directed to a practitioner, who in her loving way told me of God's love and asked me if I was willing to leave it all to God. When I assured her I was, she told me I would be healed. In nine days I was back at work. Before I left the city to take up my vaudeville work, this loving practitioner told me that, should this error try to assert itself again, I was to know there was no power apart from God. She told me of many helpful things to read in the Bible and in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.

I did my work the first day with much gratitude and thanksgiving in my heart. When I arose the next morning and went to the door to ask the maid what time it was, I found I could scarcely speak. I was frightened, and the first thought I was conscious of was the doctor's statement that if I used my voice within a year I would lose it permanently. Then, like an angel-messenger, came the thought of what the practitioner had told me—to know that there is no power apart from God. This thought quieted my fear somewhat. For two hours I read from the Bible and Science and Health, and at the end of that time my speaking and singing voice was as clear and strong as it had ever been. That was over eleven years ago, and the healing has been permanent.

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