It is sixteen years since I began the study of Christian Science. For two years before that I had not been well, and had been to many doctors and tried many methods of treatment. I had been on a rigid diet for almost a year, and as I continued to grow worse I was very much discouraged. After being in a sanitarium for several weeks, having exhausted all my faith in material means for help I turned to Christian Science. I had never belonged to any church or known much about any religion, but there was a deep, hidden desire in my consciousness to know God; and Christian Science filled this desire more beautifully than I could ever have hoped or anticipated.
While the physical healing took a few months to accomplish, the study in gaining it was joyous. My whole outlook on life was changed, and each year has brought me more good and more happiness. My first healing was of the fear of food. I immediately started eating and enjoying all food, especially the many things the doctors had told me I should never be able to eat. I have not had a dose of medicine in these sixteen years, and I have been so well that there has not been a day's illness serious enough to interfere with any duties. There have been many healings which have been added proofs of the healing power of Christian Science.
During the war and a few months after I started studying Christian Science I offered to help nurse in an army camp during an influenza epidemic, and was put on night duty in the pneumonia ward. I had never been around anyone who was very ill before, and the illness soon seemed very real to me. After a few nights I found myself with the same fever and pain that the patients had, but without fear. The slight understanding I had gained of Christian Science had given me complete assurance that I could not be separated from God's loving care, and that His power was supreme. Within a few hours after calling a practitioner for treatment, I was entirely healed. There was no weakness or after effect, and I continued with the nursing.