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Testimonies of Healing

[Original testimony in German]

Very joyfully and with a grateful...

From the December 1932 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Very joyfully and with a grateful heart I wish to testify to God's unspeakable love, made manifest to me through Christian Science. For seventeen years I suffered from a severe stomach trouble and pain by day and night. I consulted many physicians, but in vain; the trouble constantly became worse. Finally I turned to a specialist in one of the larger cities, who, after three X-ray examinations, declared I must submit to an operation at once; that two weeks was all the time I had, for a cancer of the stomach had reached its last stages.

As I had lost my dearly beloved wife through an operation a few months previously, I hesitated to submit to the knife, and on the following day I drove to a Christian Science practitioner, to whom I told my trouble and who took me in her care, treating me according to the understanding of Christian Science. We live ninety-one kilometers apart, and so only absent treatment was given, but the result was favorable. Each day there was improvement, and after six or eight weeks I was well. I was able to resume my work; and now, after four years, I am in good health and rejuvenated, without having experienced any relapse or indisposition.

It will hardly be necessary to state that from the beginning it was clear to me that Christian Science is a religion, and not a mere healing system. I immediately bought a copy of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, which I have studied faithfully. Through it I am gaining an understanding and ability to apply Christian Science. I am deeply grateful to God for leading me to the religion of Christian Science, which is the true religion of Christ Jesus, revealed to us by Mrs. Eddy. It is my earnest endeavor ever to be grateful, loyal, and obedient to God.—

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