"And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear." Ten years ago I was a very sick woman, suffering a good deal of pain from an internal trouble and many other discordant conditions. I was not strong enough to attend to home duties, and even a short walk tired me. Now I can walk for miles without fatigue. I was alone much of the time and used to spend hours reading the Bible and praying to God to show me a way out of my troubles. When a lady spoke of Christian Science to me I told her I should like to know more about it. She arranged for me to see a practitioner, and at that first visit I knew that God had answered my prayers, and that here was the truth. One by one the pains and weaknesses left me, and I was healed; and during that time I experienced much spiritual joy through attending the church services and studying the Lesson-Sermons in the Christian Science Quarterly, and Mrs. Eddy's writings.
I am extremely grateful to God, the Giver of all good, for the healings I have experienced, and for the peace and joy I have gained; also for membership in a branch church, and for the activities of the Christian Science organization, which is bringing salvation to all who seek it sincerely.
I had been connected with an orthodox church and Sunday school for many years, but after I came into Christian Science I could understand the Bible better and demonstrate to some extent its wonderful teachings. I am satisfied that there is not any discordant condition, physical or mental, which cannot be overcome by divine Love. I am also grateful for the consecrated work of the practitioners, who have so patiently and lovingly helped me to seek and find the Christ, Truth.—Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.