OUR beloved Master, Christ Jesus, at the age of twelve years,in his first recorded utterance stated in words unmistakable what he understood to be the purpose of his life.
Having listened to the doctors, and asked them questions and astounded them by his understanding, he was reproved by his mother for the sorrow he had caused her and Joseph. His thought was so wrapped up in the one thing that was to him of supreme importance that he in turn expressed surprise that Joseph and Mary had not realized this, and said, "How is it that ye sought me?" It was as if he had asked, Why did you do this? Do you not understand the magnitude of the work that lies before me? And then, in that sentence which reveals to everyone who has any understanding of the truth something of the purpose of his existence, he signified his divine mission: "Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?"
There were many very important, yea, essential lessons that the Master had to teach; and whilst,as he said, he had power to lay down his life, and power to take it up again, yet he had to make sure that by his teaching, his work of regeneration, and his mighty healing works, he had made an indelible impression upon human consciousness, and had pointed the unmistakable way out of the dream of belief of life in matter.