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From the March 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Jesus demonstrated, as no other has ever done, the healing power of the Christ. Witness his many works referred to in the Gospels of the New Testament! All manner of disease was healed by the Master, and one disease as readily as another. Blindness, deafness, paralysis, leprosy, hemorrhage, dementia were all alike subject to his inspired understanding. Suffering humanity came to him with faith in their hearts, and he healed them. Furthermore, Christ Jesus proved himself to be master not only of disease and of sin, but of all the material phenomena of nature, so called; as, for example, when he calmed the wind and the waves of the sea in storm. He had power over all the false beliefs of mortals, yes, even over death. The life of the Master exemplifies in a degree never equaled the power of the Christ to overrule the erroneous concepts of the carnal mind.

In her inspired book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 583), Mrs. Eddy gives a definition of the Christ. She writes, "Christ. The divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error." It was "the divine manifestation of God," understood, then, which gave Jesus his power over error. And "the divine manifestation of God" is the spiritual idea of God. Jesus must surely have seen with great clarity that God and His manifestation constitute true or real being, and that this manifestation is the universe of spiritual ideas; and as clearly must he have known that matter, whatever form it may seem to take, is unreal. Not only so, but he must have understood that all material phenomena are likewise without reality.

When a case of sickness came for healing to Christ Jesus, it is certain that he did not accept the condition as real: he knew that nothing inharmonious could be caused or sustained by God; that no material so-called law existed either to originate disease or to cause disease to continue. His realization of the spiritual truth thus put the false belief of disease to silence, as is done in Christian Science practice today. One readily perceives how he could heal any disease by this divine method. The Gospels undoubtedly substantiate this; for they give not the slightest indication that the Nazarene had any more difficulty in healing a case of blindness than he had in healing a fever.

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