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From the March 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The understanding of God as "the great I am" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 587) throws a clearer light upon the naturalness and ever-availability of divine power. God being infinite and thereby all-inclusive, there really can be only one I AM or Ego. This divine Ego can express nothing but its own infinite spiritual nature. This implies the rejection of material, finite evidence, because according to such evidence there is no infinite Spirit. And, yet, all Christian religious doctrines admit that God is infinite Spirit.

Mrs. Eddy shows that God, Spirit, being real and eternal, matter, Spirit's opposite, must be unreal and temporal. This conclusion, direct and logical, and in full accord with the teachings of Christ Jesus, had not been drawn and accepted with an understanding of its full consequence and availability prior to the revelation of Christian Science.

By his works Jesus proved in an unequaled manner the infinity of Spirit, God, and the consequent unreality and fallibility of matter. These works, one and all, proved that matter is not substance, not real and eternal, but is merely a finite, mortal concept. Healing the sick, raising the dead, walking over the water, stilling the tempest were scientific proofs of divine power. They were contrary to the accepted beliefs or so-called material laws of health, life, and physics which Christian Science shows to be no laws at all, but merely accepted beliefs with no elements of the divinely substantial, the immutable and immortal.

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