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From the March 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With the eyes of the civilized world directed toward the problem of business, it is well for Christian Scientists seriously to ponder this question in order to gain a true idea of business. This is important, since the right idea of any subject corrects the wrong belief, and it is generally admitted that in the business world of today there is much which needs correction.

The definition of "business" as "that which engages one's time and attention; as a principal serious employment; as the business of life," interpreted according to Christian Science, shows clearly what one's daily work should be; for Christian Science plays an important part in showing us the true nature of life's business and the business of living.

There is in reality but one great business, which includes all phases of right activity; and everyone who is striving to do right is engaged in this business, whether he knows it or not. God's business, the activity of supplying all good to man, is always good, and abundantly supplied with everything that is required to carry it on. If, then, we are not awake to the business of true living, we are not yet engaged in any real business, but are still laboring under the false belief that each must earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. Now that is not a blessing; it is a supposititious curse upon mankind. God's man has nothing to do with that belief; for right activity is always useful, joyous, health giving, and harmonious. It is not hard work; for the work of living by reflecting God is a joyous activity, bringing with it rich abundance and supplying man's needs. In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 119) Mrs. Eddy says that man is "the humble servant of the restful Mind." As we gratefully acknowledge the glorious business man is engaged in. instead of jealous competition we shall realize loving cooperation; for since it is daily supplied from the affluence of our Father Mother God, there is plenty of good for all.

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