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From the March 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Nearly two thousand years ago the way of salvation for all mankind was taught and demonstrated by Christ Jesus, the Founder of Christianity. For centuries, however, the full, mighty, and practical import of his teachings was partially and temporarily obscured. In every age there have been those who have exemplified the beauties of human character, thereby making the world a better and a richer place. Many others, through the channels of literature, so called natural science, and art, have contributed to the advance of civilization and to the comfort and well being of mankind. Yet it has been proved that neither human goodness, liable as it is to be casual, desultory, and misguided, human efficiency, nor the wonders of human invention and discovery, can of themselves solve the mysteries of evil and bring permanent release from suffering. At the present time, perhaps more eagerly than ever before in the world's history, many are longing to know more of God, good, and to find the method of escape from evil, in short, the way of salvation.

The human heart hunger for spiritual good has been satisfied by Mary Baker Eddy's discovery of Christian Science, which, as "the Spirit of truth" promised by Christ Jesus, reveals and elucidates the Science of his teachings, the divine Science of the Christ. In this great discovery the way of salvation is revealed to humanity.

Christian Science is divine Science humanly applied and demonstrated. It comes to the receptive thought as a revelation, opening the doors of spiritual understanding and flooding consciousness with the joyful assurance of God's infinite goodness and love, and of the real man's perfection and unity with God. In many cases this illumination brings immediate healing from long standing sin and sickness. It discloses the dividing line between good and evil, Spirit and matter, between man and the mistcreation of the Adam dream.

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