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From the January 1934 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This morn, as eyelids fluttered first awake,
And thoughts returned to cares of yesterday,
Glad rays of radiant promise filled the room—
Proclaimed the reign of harmony divine.
While pondering o'er this wondrous law which holds
Creation all in concord grand, complete,
It seemed I saw beside my bed a book
Upon whose opened page my name appeared,
With this arresting phrase: Today is thine.
To my bewondered eyes were now disclosed,
In living, glowing lines that flowed across
The page, then slowly faded out, these words:

My son, herein is writ Love's gift to thee,
A day replete with beauty and with joy,
Reflecting peace and order infinite.
In doubt, thine ears shall hear the whispered word:
Lo, here the way, illumed and led by Love!
In fear: Be still, and know that I am God!
And so, in perfect peace shalt thou abide;
My presence evermore shall be with thee,
My panoply of love thy guard and guide.
This is, my son, the day to thee bequeathed—
Its record on these pages thou shalt write.

So glowed the words, and, glowing, disappeared.
Once more the page was fair and white, except
My name and God-given title to the day.
Shall my poor record soil this page? Ah, no!
His constant presence shall preserve my way,
His love shall ever be my stay. Dear God,
Let me hold steadfast thoughts both good and true;
Oh, may I overcome the sway of fear,
Of envy, pride, self-love, and kindred throng;
May I in conscious strength of Spirit rise
Above discordant sense to harmony
Divine, and thus Thy day be glorified.

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