Before learning the truths of Christian Science I believed it to be just another church wherein we could worship "the unknown God." After exhausting all medical science, submitting to several operations, both major and minor, trying electrical treatments, osteopathy, baths, and rest cure, I was no better, but rather grew worse. I had spent a fortune for these treatments, had twice visited a famous clinic, and was finally told that I had but a few years to live, even provided I had the best of care and retired from all activity early each afternoon. With no hope of ever being well again, being in pain night and day, I felt that I was only a burden to my family and friends, and silently prayed that God would take me, for I then believed that God sent death.
At this point Christian Science was presented to me for the third time. Because of my great love for my daughter, I consented to her request that I should try it. Since the best in medical methods had been employed and had failed, I had not the faintest hope or faith that Christian Science could help me. As for a healing, I never gave that a thought. All that I had to offer at the altar of Christian Science was that since my family wished me to be with them as long as possible, I would try to be obedient to the laws laid down in this Science.
Treatment was begun, and within three weeks I was healed of ulcers of the stomach, extreme nervousness, heart trouble, and a complicated tooth trouble. This was over ten years ago, and I have done most of my own housework ever since and lived a very full and active life. Instead of dying I found I had begun to live. Christian Science introduced me to the true God, the God who is Life, Truth, and Love. I am happy in the truth that Jesus taught, which was discovered by our revered Leader. Ignorance of God was supplanted by understanding. I found my true relationship to God, and this has enabled me to prove many times, to myself as well as to others, the power of divine healing as taught in Christian Science.