WHEN Malachi reproved the Israelites for their infidelity, their idolatry, and their neglect in keeping the ordinances and the commandments of God, he said: "Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me." The exhortation, "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house," indicates that the people were withholding in tithes, in offerings, and in obedience, and therefore were not receiving the blessings which God was ready to bestow upon them. It is right and in accordance with the law of divine Principle for each and every member of the Christian Science church to enjoy a full measure of health, happiness, and prosperity; and if any of these be lacking, may it not be possible that the member in some way is withholding from God or the church something in tithes— offerings — of loving obedience?
Everyone who becomes a member of a Christian Science branch church or The Mother Church promises to obey the Manual and the by-laws of the branch church, and pledges to support the church mentally and financially as far as lies within his ability. Therefore it behooves every member to be on guard lest he become apathetic, and aggressive mesmerism cause him to withhold from the church or Cause certain things that he is capable of doing or giving. Furthermore, frequent introspection to ascertain if he is fulfilling his duty and obligation as an active church member may prove beneficial and conducive to progress.
Let each one ask himself: Am I daily striving to live in accordance with the Tenets and other teachings of Christian Science? Am I by act or deed doing anything that will discredit the Cause of Christian Science? Am I loving my neighbor and applying the spirit of the Golden Rule in all dealings with my fellow men? Am I indulging in anything that is not consistent with Christian Science? Am I giving to the church and the Christian Science movement all that I can of loyalty, service, financial and spiritual support? If one finds that he is negligent in any of these, then is he not withholding of his ability and talents and therefore robbing the church? How can we expect the church organization to grow and succeed as much as it should if it does not receive earnest and loyal individual support from its members? Likewise, how shall a member expect to prosper and bear much fruit if he does not abide in the vine by active participation in the maintenance of the church movement?