EVERYONE desires an adequate supply to meet his needs. The false belief that poverty has any virtue is gradually disappearing as the world's thought becomes more permeated with the understanding that God, the loving Father, imparts all good to His creation.
As one thoughtfully reads the many Bible references to God as Father and to His loving concern and care for His children, it is seen that, as Jesus said, our Father knoweth what things we have need of, and He is ever supplying them from the inexhaustible abundance of His love. But as we look about the world and see apparent lack, it is clear that there is some misconception on the part of men as to how they may avail themselves of God's gifts.
We are accustomed to think of our needs in terms of matter, and to believe that the more of matter we possess the greater is our supply. For that reason many persons have striven to accumulate material wealth. Oftentimes this wealth, when obtained, has been swept away by adverse circumstances, or else the constant fear of loss makes it a burden. It is evident, then, that we must look to something more permanent for our supply and satisfaction.