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Testimonies of Healing

About two years ago I had a healing...

From the January 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About two years ago I had a healing through Christian Science which taught me more than many years of study. I was healed within a week of a bad attack of shingles. A practitioner had asked me to take to the country a friend who needed a holiday and a little attention. I was grateful for the opportunity to help, when suddenly I realized that something was threatening to stop these plans and hold me in bondage. I wrote to the practitioner, ninety miles away, and asked for help. The struggle which followed contained a wonderful lesson, and I can never forget the work done for me. It taught me that God is ever present, and that there is no power which can interfere with His plans.

The day after I received a letter in answer to my cry for help, I suddenly felt all internal pain stop, and the following day my flesh lost its angry and inflamed appearance; then all eruptions dried up and peeled off. Although feeling very weak, I was able to walk nearly three miles to meet my visitor. I was caught in a snowstorm, but was none the worse. I did not have to stay in bed or neglect any duty, but realized more than ever the wonderful power, presence, and peace which are ours when we hold tightly to God, good, and refuse to accept evil.

I am truly grateful for the help I received. It proved that today we have disciples carrying on the good work of Christ Jesus—disciples who are obeying his commands to go into the world and preach the truth and heal the sick. I am grateful for the faithful work of our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, in elucidating the rules which Christ Jesus used and taught, and which were lost for centuries. I feel grateful for all that I suffered because this experience gave me a better understanding of God, who is ever present. I am grateful for other healings, and also for protection from accidents, which I have experienced by claiming what I know of Truth.—

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