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Testimonies of Healing

About ten years ago a member of...

From the March 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ABOUT ten years ago a member of my family was very ill, and after two years, when doctors of medicine were of no avail and we did not know where to turn, this person sought the help of a Christian Science practitioner and soon thereafter was in normal health. This was very wonderful to me, and while it made a lasting impression, I did not at the time ask any questions as to how the healing was accomplished. We were very happy with the result and that seemed sufficient.

A few years later I was in real need of help. It had always been my contention that one must drink and smoke and dissipate in order to be a success in business. For over twenty years I had freely used liquor and tobacco, and had not attended church for many years, reasoning that it was better to spend Sundays playing golf or otherwise amusing myself.

In my distress I appealed to a Christian Science practitioner, not knowing what was in store for me, but immediately positive assurance was given as to what I really was and not what I thought myself to be. My attention was directed to the statement in Genesis, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them;" also I was reminded that "man's extremity is God's opportunity." It was made very clear to me that God created all and that it was good, and that all that was unlike God, good, was not real and therefore had no power, no existence. Instantly I was healed, and saw, as the Bible tells us, that "God is love," and also, as Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health (p. 6), that "divine Love corrects and governs man." Freedom, happiness, dominion, through knowing God, were brought to me then, although it was not until later that I began to appreciate it all.

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