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From the August 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To keep love and forgiveness and true prayer in our heart; to cleanse the stain of sensitiveness and resentment and hurt from our thinking, and see our neighbor, our friend, our associate, as in his real selfhood the beloved child of God, is to learn how to offer our gift upon the altar of divine Love. It is only as we wipe the dust of false material thinking from our consciousness that we see the real man, and are ready to lay down our gift and depart in confidence and peace.

Mankind today needs our healing prayers, needs our forgiveness, compassion, and understanding love; needs to be shown how to see through the would-be barriers of hate, selfishness, and confused thinking, and find, in Christian Science, the way out of human limitations and difficulties. Mrs. Eddy says (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 312): "Oh, may the love that is talked, be felt! and so lived, that when weighed in the scale of God we be not found wanting. Love is consistent, uniform, sympathetic, self-sacrificing, unutterably kind; even that which lays all upon the altar."

Such a love leads one to more beautiful associations, happier friendships, a freer, richer sense in human relationships, a larger circle of usefulness. Indeed, it enables one to look beyond self and behold all men as of one household. Think what the realization of the unity and brotherhood of all mankind would mean! This state of consciousness would end war and greed, strife and poverty, want and dissension. Then, is it not highly important that we begin to demonstrate this unity in our own experience? Here and now we may turn our thoughts away from person, away from popularity, pride, egotism, and love good more each day, each hour.

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