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From the December 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science glorifies God and nullifies evil. Fulfilling the promise of patriarch and prophet that the glory of the Lord should be revealed, this Science so illumines the Holy Scriptures and the life and teachings of Christ Jesus, that the splendor of God's perfect spiritual universe is unfolded. Human consciousness, illumined by Truth, awakens to the reality of God's goodness and recognizes the unreality, the falsity, the illusive and delusive nature, of materiality.

In the light of Christian Science it is seen to have been most fitting that the advent of Jesus should have been heralded by angelic hosts singing praises and "glory to God in the highest," Today, since a clearer understanding of primitive Christianity and its full significance has come to the world, it is fitting that we should glorify God and magnify the majesty and might of the divine creator, as we "enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise."

With the spiritual light which Christian Science throws upon the mission of the Saviour, comes a clear distinction between the human Jesus and Christ, the divine idea of God. As this duality is recognized, those who follow the Way-shower find that he leads them out of the material sense of existence into the divine reality of spiritual being. Jesus was the man whom the multitudes beheld. Christ is the spiritual idea which Jesus revealed and demonstrated. Jesus manifested the Christ, or perfect idea of God, as his standard, and molded his life in exact accordance with this pattern.

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