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From the December 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Throughout Biblical history the character and customs of a shepherd, in his picturesque setting of pastoral life, have furnished imagery for inspirational song and sermon, such as are found in the book of Psalms. These uplifting messages have many times brought to one bowed with a sense of sorrow and despair cheer and renewed courage, a sense of God's nearness, and the assurance of His comforting care.

The watchful shepherd, with wise discernment and tender solicitude guiding his flocks and sometimes carrying a lamb over rugged paths and through hazardous conditions, and reaching at last the desired haven of quiet provision and refreshment, illustrates the patient guidance and loving protection of the one divine Shepherd, our Father-Mother God.

How sweet and tender a term is "Shepherd"! Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science and the Leader of the movement, refers to God as "Shepherd." She has aptly employed the term in a much-loved hymn, "Feed My Sheep" (Poems, p.14), the first line of which is, "Shepherd, show me how to go." This hymn is indeed a prayer of petition, declaration, and realization. Students of Christian Science need more frequently to sing this song and pray this prayer. Such a petition is truly scientific, and brings to the humble heart the needed light in which to behold the good that is already ours.

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