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From the December 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In human experience there may come a time when we find ourselves at a crossroads and faced with the necessity of making a profound decision. We seem to have missed the way to a satisfying understanding of life's meaning and purpose. Having yielded to pleasurable beliefs of optimism and self-assurance, we discover, after repeated disappointments, that in them we have not found continuing health, success, or happiness. The Babel tower of hope and trust in human reasoning weakens and falls. We cry out for a savior that will remove the burden of limitation and fear.

When driven by human experience to seek a better way to the goal of peace and harmony, one finds comfort in God's great promise to man recorded in the Bible in the words of Isaiah, "If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land." What comfort these words bring!

Soon, however, it becomes evident that something is required of us that we may be worthy to receive "the good of the land." The conditions for the fulfillment of this promise are that we "be willing and obedient." Willing to do what? Obedient to whom? To the humble, receptive inquirer Christian Science offers the satisfying and certain answer: willing to turn to God, the one and only Mind, for direction and counsel; obedient to God, Mind, as the source of all right thought and action. In a word, we must be willing to exchange the false human sense of things for the understanding that man, as God's reflection, is wholly spiritual, and is governed by the law of divine Mind.

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