Christian science declares the spiritual fact that creation is perfect, that the real universe—God's universe—is perfect; and it is doing this, in spite of all that the material senses may argue to the contrary. God is infinite Mind, infinite good, and His creation or universe, which consists of spiritual ideas, reflects all the qualities of perfect Mind. Hence man, the idea of Mind, expresses goodness, love, purity, understanding, wisdom, and all the other qualities of God. The real man is thus ever in the enjoyment of spiritual blessedness. Nothing can alter this divine fact. It is as permanent as God Himself.
Since the real man, God's image and likeness, continually reflects God; since he continually expresses perfect Mind, and is therefore perpetually under the government of perfect Mind, nought but good can ever be known by him. Good is his heritage, now and evermore. Thus, the real man does not need to prepare to meet an evil day, as mortals appear to do. The real man has nothing to fear, since he lives in perfect Mind. He has no enemies who would do him injury, because in reality there is no evil, God being infinite good. Man lives, and will continue to live eternally, as the son of God, cared for by the Father with infinite tenderness; absolutely protected, because God is Love.
What has just been said of the real or spiritual man is true—absolutely true. But to mortals it may seem abstract, even erroneous. They may argue, Is not existence as we experience it full of trouble? Is it not said in Job, "Man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward" (Job 5:7)? Are we not constantly having to face conditions which are the very opposite of good? Do not we have to be always on guard against the evils of the world—hatred, envy, jealousy, injustice, and the like? Must we not have regard for the future, building up material resources against possible adverse conditions? Indeed, mortals continue, while many of us enjoy much that is good, have we not to contend with all manner of hardship incidental to a material sense of existence?