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From the August 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The words of God to Moses, "I am the Lord: and I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty," show that early in the history of religion all power was revealed as belonging to God. It is likewise true that besides the term "Almighty" as a name for Deity, the Bible refers to God as infinite. Nevertheless, in the practical affairs of life it has been the common habit to attribute power, both good and bad, to matter, to malevolent forces in nature, and to sin, disease, and death. Such false beliefs engender fear, which casts its shadow more and more over men, darkening their sense of freedom and their power to live and act as children of one heavenly Father.

However, in the light of the teachings of Christian Science today, thousands of individuals are learning and proving that human sorrows and woes come from those false beliefs which erroneously attribute power to matter. Furthermore, students of Christian Science are proving that such false beliefs can be reduced to nothingness by the understanding and demonstration of the allness of Spirit, divine Mind.

Christ Jesus, who healed the sick, supplied food for the hungry multitudes when they were seeking Truth, raised the dead, and in many other ways overcame so-called material law, attributed all power to God. In the Lord's Prayer is the statement, "Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever." Again, the Master said, "With God all things are possible." Nor did Jesus' absolute conviction that God has all power suffer the least diminution when he was confronted by the seeming power of ignorance, hate, and materiality. A notable instance of his complete trust in his Father's love and infinite power is shown by his conduct when he was brought before the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate.

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