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From the August 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Why do Christian Scientists organize churches and engage in varied church activities? What is the purpose of The Mother Church and its branches? Is not that purpose to separate men gently and effectively from the world, and to lead them into unity with God?

One qualification for membership is that the applicant should believe in the doctrines of Christian Science. To believe in the doctrines of Christian Science, we must believe in God and the supremacy of His transcendent power. We must believe in the perfection and eternality of man and the universe. We must also disbelieve in matter as having reality. We must separate ourselves from the world, and so live the eternal verities that our prayers are mighty to the rescuing of those who seek our help from the mesmerism of material sense.

We must daily renew and refresh our understanding by faithful study of our two textbooks, the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. We must assimilate the truth in these books, and love God supremely. And to aid us in achieving these results we organize churches, and by our activities in these churches, help to bring to mankind the divine Science of Life, which alone can heal human ills and give to men the unspeakable joy of spiritual understanding.

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