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From the December 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When turmoil, fear, and anxiety seem to prevail in the affairs of men and nations, when selfishness and self-will seek to enthrone themselves in high places, and when error attempts to exalt itself above the power of good, Christian Scientists, as citizens of the world, should be awake to the necessity of dealing with these problems in a divinely metaphysical way in order that wisdom, justice, and right may prevail.

In facing any problem—individual, civic, national, or international —the Christian Scientist stands firm in his enlightened understanding of God's omnipotence and omnipresence. Throughout all her writings, Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, shows the fundamental purpose of Christian Science to be that of solving all human problems on the Scriptural basis that God is All-in-all. No matter how insistent evil's claim to presence and power, the understanding and realization of God's allness is certain to bring eventually the proof of evil's nothingness.

On a certain occasion, referring to the needs of the hour, Mrs. Eddy said (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 281): "I cited, as our present need, faith in God's disposal of events. Faith full-fledged, soaring to the Horeb height, brings blessings infinite, and the spirit of this orison is the fruit of rightness,—'on earth peace, good will toward men.'" She added, "On this basis the brotherhood of all peoples is established; namely, one God, one Mind, and 'Love thy neighbor as thyself,' the basis on which and by which the infinite God, good, the Father-Mother Love, is ours and we are His in divine Science."

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