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From the December 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In this 'hour of world distress, those who listen to the radio and read the papers are wondering more than ever before just what it means to be a neighbor. How far should one go in his ministry to a fellow being? What should he do? How far should he be expected to look out for himself and solve his problems independently? These are questions which also apply to nations in their relation to each other. They are important questions, upon whose right solution much depends at the present time.

The Christian Scientist may not be able to supply impromptu answers to questions such as these, but he knows where to seek his answers. He knows that they lie in the field of spiritual revelation. He knows he must turn to God, divine Principle, to guide his thinking and his action —even his loving—if they are to be something better than finite and ineffectual.

Beginning in this right way, he will presently discover that it is the understanding of divine Love which turns men into neighbors, delivering them from the apathy, the division, and the destruction which mortal mind would impose upon them. He will reassure himself that mortal mind cannot divide man, God's image and likeness, into warring men, or even into indifferent men, each caring only for himself. He will also know that the mortal or carnal mind is not a savior, and that it cannot become such through any exaggerated claim to power.

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