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From the December 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the Manual of The Mother Church there is a short Article (XX) of three sections which deals with the Sunday school. In the second section we read these words: "The Sabbath School children shall be taught the Scriptures."

There is, from time to time, a good deal of discussion with regard to the Bible. High authorities in church and state have emphasized the need for the study of this wonderful book, while editors of newspapers have deplored the ignorance of it which seems to be displayed by the rising generation. Again, the Authorized Version—the King James Version—has been attacked as archaic in language, and therefore as presenting difficulties to the layman or to the modern young person.

Christian Scientists know that Mrs. Eddy attached great importance to the Authorized Version of the Bible, and that consequently it is the version used in Christian Science church services. Much has been said, and truly, of its magnificent prose, which has so greatly enriched the English language. Apart from a purely religious use, poets, historians, literary men and women, statesmen and lecturers, have constantly used its phrases and illustrations. It withstands the most severe literary criticism, and remains a noble example of all that is best and purest in the English language. But it does much more than that. The most important thing about the Bible is the spiritual message it conveys; and if the language is splendid, as it is, the spiritual message is grander still. Of what use would be the record of a race which had contributed to the world only the history of wars and conquests, and final overthrow? This record has a far deeper significance; for in it the history of the growth of a people's understanding of God can be traced; until at last, through Christ Jesus, came the clear revelation of Christ to the world.

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