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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science has been my...

From the October 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science has been my only physician for over twenty years.

I received help from Christian Science during the World War. On one occasion I was stationed at Calais with my company during an air raid. The enemy had warned that on this particular night the city would be destroyed. The American troops were given orders to drive into the country and spread out in pairs. In so doing I found myself alone. The thought came to me, Yes, alone with God! The "still small voice" then whispered to me, "Peace, be still." The sense of peace and safety which flooded my consciousness is indescribable.

Christian Science has healed me of many and varied ills. However, it was some time before I realized that when a need arose there was something for me to do other than to call on a practitioner for help. I should like now to express my gratitude to the Christian Science practitioners and the many kind friends who have cheerfully encouraged and helped me in the progress I have thus far made.

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