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Testimonies of Healing

In gratitude to God, to Christ Jesus...

From the October 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In gratitude to God, to Christ Jesus, and to Mary Baker Eddy, I give this testimony. During the past fifteen years I have been bountifully blessed and benefited by the study and application of Christian Science. Each overcoming has been marked by more spiritual enlightenment, an increased ability to see more of God's allness and man's real being as His reflection.

I have been healed of a broken finger; of physical conditions which had made it appear that I could never become a mother; of financial difficulties; of self-depreciation and lack of opportunity. In each instance it has been the clear realization of God's law for His child that has brought about the healing.

The blessing of standing with and for the Cause of Christian Science in church work and daily example has brought me peace and comfort that pass the understanding of mortal man.

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