When I asked for a Christian Science treatment I did not have the slightest expectation of being healed or even helped, for I knew nothing of it or its teachings. In one treatment, however, I was healed of what several physicians had pronounced gout, but none of them had been able to heal. Immediately I sought the practitioner again and was instantaneously healed of stomach trouble, from which I had suffered since childhood. During a period of over twenty years, sick headaches, neuralgia, and many other disorders have also been destroyed.
I am most grateful for the following experience. I was carrying an envelope containing an insurance policy endorsed for surrender, also draft attached for deposit, when, on alighting from a street car at two o'clock, I discovered that the envelope and contents were missing. For a moment I was panic-stricken. Upon reaching the bank, I telephoned to the car barns regarding the loss, but was told that no information could be had in this matter until six o'clock.
I went home in order to answer any telephone message that might come regarding the papers, and I began to work, declaring the perfection of God, and the fact that man as His image and likeness expresses honesty, alertness, and integrity. At five o'clock I again telephoned, and the man answering stated that the papers were at the office.