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Testimonies of Healing

Words cannot express my gratitude...

From the October 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Words cannot express my gratitude for Christian Science and for what it has meant to me the past seventeen years. Before coming into Christian Science I believed in "a God afar off." I often wondered where He was and how He could help everyone from such a distance. After studying "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, I learned to know God as ever-present, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Life, Truth. Love, and Principle, which was a great comfort to me.

In our little family of four we have had many wonderful healings. An outstanding one took place when I was quite young in Science. Our daughter became ill with pneumonia, and for about ten days she was very sick. Two friends, a man and his wife who were Christian Science practitioners, stayed two days and nights with us, because our fear was so great. For ten days there was no change whatsoever, and then in the evening, as the practitioner was reading to me about the healing of Jairus' daughter (Matthew 9), our daughter sat up and asked for a toasted cheese sandwich. Since she had not eaten anything in all that time, I was very much surprised. Her healing came then and was permanent.

Another beautiful healing, which came to our son, was of mastoid trouble. We have been protected in accidents, and many everyday trials and problems have been overcome.

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