After I had searched for eleven years or more in many philosophies and isms for peace, and had tried to discover what the mighty Nazarene meant when he said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free," I was led, through circumstances which seemed adverse at the time, to take up the study of Christian Science.
Not only have I found the truth in our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, but I have proved it many times. We have had many instantaneous healings in our family of six, by realizing the truth as given in "the scientific statement of being," found on page 468 of the textbook. Our simple knowing that it is the truth brought the healing.
One of the many instantaneous healings I recall was that of our youngest son. One day he was sent home from school, his older brother assisting him, with instructions from the teacher to call a doctor for him at once, because he had typhoid fever. When I took the little seven-year-old fellow in my lap, he was practically unconscious. While I was repeating "the scientific statement of being" to him, he regained consciousness, and he and I then repeated the great statement together.