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From the March 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

All Christians agree that in God is the power to still the mightiest tempest, right the greatest wrong, lighten the darkest place, and heal all sickness. Many religionists, however, still uncertainly ponder the questions: "Is this power of God available to humanity as a healing and regenerative influence?" "Can the individual, here and now, utilize divine power as Jesus did?"

Christian Science brings mankind a positive and affirmative answer to these questions. It brings to all who accept it accurate and demonstrable knowledge of the modus operandi of Christian healing as Jesus taught and practiced it.

In the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and her other published works, Mary Baker Eddy has presented the spiritual or divinely mental nature of God. She uses Mind as a synonym for God. With Biblical authority she reveals God as the source or Principle of the universe, and His creation as like Himself, divinely mental, a creation of divine ideas.

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