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From the March 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Behold, the world is filled with golden grain,
But in God's work the laborers are few.
Why all this idleness, and lack, and fear?
There's work for each and every one to do.

If men would turn to God in time of need,
And, trusting, know that all is right and well,
And send forth thoughts of love to all mankind,
In peace and harmony would nations dwell.

For Love alone will heal the world of woe
And rid this earth of hate, and greed, and strife;
Yea, all mankind may find true happiness,
And dwell in unity and love and life!

Then let us work with willing hands, and true,
Our swords then change for plowshares as we learn
To use but pruning hooks, not spears, in peace—
No more learn war, but from it gladly turn.

Behold, the world is filled with precious grain!
Come, laborers! Come pledge yourselves anew!
God is the Lawgiver, and He alone
Can right each wrong, establish all that's true.

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