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From the February 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the teachings of Christian Science, as set forth by Mary Baker Eddy, there is revealed not only the scientific nature of divine fatherhood, but that also of motherhood. Thus are explained the lines in the first chapter of Genesis. "Male and female created he them." That which is created in the image and likeness of God must be the expression no less of motherhood than of fatherhood. Symbolic of that Love and Life which it represents. The First Church of Christ. Scientist, is entitled "The Mother Church."

Mrs. Eddy knew that opposition and even enmity would be encountered as there appeared, challenging the merely material organizations of the world, an organization, the outcome of spiritual vision, of the love and compassion which underlay her every action in providing for the immediate practical needs of mankind. But her courage and farsightedness never faltered. Every initial, forward step was taken under her vigorous, confident leadership.

In the establishment of The Mother Church and its branch churches, Mrs. Eddy gave to the world those By-Laws, that form of government, which would illustrate and promote true worship, and would be a continuous inspiration and protection to her followers. Her deep interest in the building and organization of The Mother Church is to be seen in her writings; her love and solicitude for its branch churches are equally in evidence. In her book, "The First Church of Christ. Scientist, and Miscellany." there are nearly thirty pages given exclusively to letters and messages written by her to branch churches all over the world. Her constant prayers, her wise and loving counsels, to be found throughout her writings, witness to the great importance which she attached to their missionary work of maintaining and promulgating the Science which she had discovered and founded.

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