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From the February 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Infinite, eternal Mind is all-encompassing, unchanging, forever harmonious, and therein lives man, the reflection of God, the indestructible idea of Love divine. Man is forever conscious of his unity with God, linked inseparably with the glory, grandeur, bliss, beauty, perfection, and harmony of infinite Mind.

Christian Science reveals this exalted status of man, his imperishable identity as the son of God. It distinguishes between the testimony of material sense and that which really is, showing the nothingness of the confused human belief of man and the universe as material, therefore subject to discord and decay. This Science declares that man has no existence apart from God. With finality of spiritual pronouncement, based upon the Bible, it declares that man has never left his Father's home of spiritual being. Confirming this spiritual fact, our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, writes on page 548 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures": "In this Science, we discover man in the image and likeness of God. We see that man has never lost his spiritual estate and his eternal harmony."

When, with Christlike humility, one reaches the mental standpoint from which man's spiritual nature as the unchanging expression of God is clearly discerned, one finds that his real selfhood is now perfect, harmonious, immortal. Acknowledgment of one's true being as a son of God is the dynamic and powerful means through which to establish right solutions of human exigencies and problems. Persistent contemplation of one's spiritual identity eradicates the age-old belief in the reality of personal sense with its accompanying train of disillusion and disappointment.

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