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From the February 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When speaking of some of the first impressions which the discovery of Christian Science made upon her thought, Mary Baker Eddy says in "Retrospection and Introspection" (p. 31), "My heart bent low before the omnipotence of Spirit, and a tint of humility, soft as the heart of a moonbeam, mantled the earth." Here we are led to the true concept of humility, for when our Leader "bent low before the omnipotence of Spirit" she experienced a sense of humility that "mantled the earth." Following this, the full import of her spiritual discovery unfolded to Mrs. Eddy, and it has opened the flood gates of divine supply to the world.

Mrs. Eddy's experience is in keeping with and in fulfillment of the teaching of the Master, "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." In this promise the word translated from the Greek as "meek" may just as correctly be translated "humble." Thus the humble "shall inherit the earth," according to the word of Christ Jesus. Our great Master was the most humble of men. He also enjoyed the greatest measure of divine supply. He fed thousands without impoverishing himself or diminishing his sense of supply. He expressed inexhaustible riches. He exercised humility and love, and these are true substance.

What the world needs today to satisfy its hunger is more of the healing Christ. Only the Christ can permanently satisfy hunger; only divine supply can meet the human need. This bread of Life is at hand today, and is available through Christian Science. Are we partaking of this bread ourselves, and do we share it with mankind? Are our hearts humble and receptive and obedient, so that we may receive this divine supply and be sustained by its life-giving substance? Are we feeding on the Word and finding our lives renewed thereby? Humility and gentleness are doors to greatness and riches and life. The truly great are always genuinely humble. Humility is an identification mark of greatness.

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