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From the February 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Whether or not one is immediately confronted with a financial problem to be solved, it is vitally important that every student of Christian Science should ask himself these questions: "What is my present concept of supply? Am I still thinking that matter supplies me with the necessities of life? Or am I seeing supply as purely spiritual, limitless, without taint of materiality, emanating directly from God?" In squarely facing this question of supply and gaining the correct scientific concept thereof, one not only finds that the outward evidence of abundance in his own experience is increased, but he also is helping to lift the false burden of limited material thinking from all mankind and annulling the belief in a mind opposed to God. By healing one's sense of supply through proving that Spirit, Truth, is the only real substance, and that man reflects this infinite, divine substance, one is as definitely helping to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth as if, through obedience to the teachings of Christian Science, he had destroyed the belief in an incurable physical condition, a stubborn hereditary sin, or any other error of sense.

Christian Science insists that the belief of life, substance, and intelligence in matter, in all its phases, be seen as illusion. It calls upon its students to surrender at all points material thinking in order that life may be recognized as spiritual, perfect, incorporeal, and incorruptible. Mary Baker Eddy tells us on page 73 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures": "It is a grave mistake to suppose that matter is any part of the reality of intelligent existence, or that Spirit and matter, intelligence and non-intelligence, can commune together." That matter is absolutely without intelligence or reality must consistently be demonstrated at every step in human experience.

Every healing in Christian Science is primarily the healing of a belief in lack. Mortal mind says, "I lack friends, health, happiness, ability, employment, opportunity." Divine Science declares: "In the realm of infinite Mind there is no such condition as lack. Abundance, not lack, is the law of man's being. Man already has all good. Accept, then, the good which belongs to you as the child of God. Fearlessly claim your limitless spiritual inheritance. Draw freely upon divine Love for the spiritual blessings which Love is ever pouring forth from the fount of grace!" Obedient listening to the voice of Truth silences the limiting arguments of error. Thus healing results, and the human need is met.

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