When I recall the good that has come into my life through the study of Christian Science I am humbly grateful to our precious Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for her pure life and steadfast love for God and man which enabled her to explain the teachings of Christ Jesus so clearly that even a little child can demonstrate them.
Christian Science is a joyous religion because it offers an immediate way out of discordant thinking and its discordant effects.
I have experienced and witnessed many healings in Christian Science. There have been healings of pneumonia, scarlet fever, measles, aches, grief, temper, a carbuncle, burns, mumps, influenza, deep cuts, growths, an abscessed kidney, and almost total blindness. Injured pets have been healed through Christian Science treatment. Travel has been made much more pleasant, and several dangerous accidents have been avoided.
I am deeply grateful to everyone who has helped me by smile, word, or act toward this successful way of thinking. Through the teaching of Christian Science I have found that only as I see good, or perfection, am I truly loving my fellow man.— Amarillo, Texas.