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From the October 1943 issue of The Christian Science Journal

All through history there have been the restless, the dissatisfied, as well as the progressive, who have pushed on to new frontiers and to new worlds to conquer. Since the days of Jesus, no pioneer in the realm of the spiritually mental has opened up such vistas of the unexplored, such new possibilities of conquest, as has Mary Baker Eddy. And, everywhere, many of the spiritually unsatisfied, the mentally dissatisfied, have recognized that fact and responded to her vision.

Belief that in the world today there is little exploring left to be done, little discovery remaining to be made, results from thinking based wholly on materiality. What vast areas of spiritual enlightenment we have ahead. What mental pioneering is still before us. What unexplored applications of divine Science remain as yet untried.

In the scientific statement of being," on page 468 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mrs. Eddy says: "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual."

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