The food question is frequently referred to today as the world's number one problem. While stupendous efforts are being made to supply the food required by our armed forces and civilians, our hearts reach out in compassionate sympathy and eager desire to satisfy the millions of hungry people in pillaged lands. The co-operation of everyone is needed, and good citizens are wisely and cheerfully supporting government measures to facilitate the solution of this problem. Christian Scientists can help immeasurably by following the injunction found in a poem quoted by Mary Baker Eddy on page 338 of "Miscellaneous Writings":
"Think truly, and thy thoughts
Shall the world's famine feed."
This true thinking is based on the actual spiritual facts of existence as set forth in the Scriptures and clarified for immediate, practical application through the teachings of Christian Science. These facts begin and end with the allness and oneness of God, good. They unfold His flawless perfection and wholly spiritual nature. This totally good and all-powerful God holds the sole and unshared prerogative to create, govern, and maintain all ideas and identities in His exact likeness. Every claim of evil or matter to reverse or counterfeit this one perfect creator and perfect creation is, then, spurious and false. God being self -sustained and all-inclusive. His reflection, man, must consciously express abundant sustenance.