Christian Science came to me in a very beautiful way. A friend invited me to attend a Sunday morning service. Although I was studying music at the time and wanted to stay home and practice, to please my friend I went. The service was peaceful and beautiful. A line from the Lord's Prayer, with its spiritual interpretation by our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, appealed to me especially. It reads (Science and Health, p. 17), "Give us this day our daily bread; Give us grace for today; feed the famished affections." At the time I did not understand its full meaning, but through earnest study of Christian Science I now think of it as meaning "Give me patience, meekness, humility, tolerance, more love, and spiritual understanding."
Christian Science has meant much to me during the many years I have been a student. The opportunities of serving in a branch church and of receiving class instruction I consider my greatest privileges. Had it not been for Christian Science, the problems which have come to me in my human experience would have been unbearable, but instead I see every human experience as an opportunity to prove that only joy is real.
A beautiful demonstration of the allness of God and the nothingness of matter was experienced in our home through the following incident. I had waxed some floors and had left them for my young son to polish. It was necessary to use a hand-operated polisher, the handle of which had been broken and mended with a nail. The handle had come apart a second time, but the nail had not been removed, and as the child was hurrying and using the polisher with considerable vigor, the nail ran completely through the flesh of his thumb. He pulled the nail out with some difficulty, and when I reached him a few moments later he was suffering greatly from the pain. It was then explained to him that because his motive had been right his protection was sure; that there are no forces or laws that can change or interfere with God's work, since He maintains His own perfection. That was about all that was said. The child asked to have his thumb wrapped, and went outdoors to play. I handled the thought of blood poisoning whenever the thought suggested itself, but there was no fear. The incident took place about six-thirty in the evening. The next morning I noticed that the bandage had come off in the night, and there was no evidence of the slightest wound. The child himself did not think of the experience again until reminded of it some three weeks later.