Justice is not contingent on human laws, humanly administered, which because they are human can be set aside or misinterpreted. It is an attribute of the divine Mind. "Justice," wrote the great Disraeli, "is truth in action."
It would seem today as though the world were to be turned into a vast courtroom where judge and criminal, accuser and accused, not as individuals merely but as nations, will be found facing one another, when the physical warfare in which they are engaged ceases. The prayers of all righteous men are needed that justice be evidenced as truth in action— justice blended with mercy, but unweakened by sentiment; justice which operates in the spirit of equity, but never of revenge; justice inspired of Love and wisdom.
"Unconditional surrender" of tyranny, spoliation, terror, of treachery and deception, justice necessitates. And in this fulfillment of a stern demand, Truth alone can direct men, faced with great responsibilities, to make decisions, to organize action which shall serve to replace tyranny with freedom, spoliation with restoration, terror with confidence.