Christian Science came to me at a time when I needed it greatly. During the midst of the depression, I asked a friend about Christian Science, for I wanted an answer to the problem of existence. My friend spoke of it so logically and beautifully that I immediately felt that it was what I had always wanted to believe. I started to study in earnest. I surely had many corrections to make in my thinking, for I was the daughter of a physician and surgeon.
We have had many healings in our home. I shall never forget the first one I witnessed. Our second little daughter, then about six years of age, woke early one morning with a croupy cough and all the symptoms of a severe cold. I was very fearful, but the friend through whom I became interested in Science was present, and she said, "You go and eat your breakfast, and I will do some work for her." I tried to work also, and in fifteen minutes the child came to me joyously, all the illness gone, completely free, and said that she wished to go to school. This was wonderful to me, for previously her colds had persisted for long periods.
I had experienced so much sickness with our three girls that words cannot express the joyful release from this bondage. Freedom did not come immediately, but with increased study and consecration. The joyful steps of uniting with a branch church and then The Mother Church came as proofs of progress.