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Testimonies of Healing

A member of our family was suffering...

From the April 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A member of our family was suffering from a stomach disorder of long standing when a neighbor told us of the healing efficacy of Christian Science, and lent us one of the periodicals, which included testimonies of healing. Interest was aroused and a copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy was purchased. This indeed seemed my father's last hope, for eminent physicians who had exerted every effort to bring relief had also given the verdict that even an operation would afford only temporary relief or possibly hasten the end. He visited a practitioner, who explained and talked with him about Christian Science.

This conversation was most satisfactory; and with readiness to be obedient, he began the study of the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly. Deeply inspired and mentally refreshed, the patient was healed in three months' time through this one visit and the continual reading of Science and Health. The family was gratified and amazed at his changed condition. He began to eat and sleep normally, and for twenty-five years thereafter enjoyed a happy and useful life.

With this new-found joy of living our family began attending Sunday services and the Wednesday evening meetings, where we heard gratitude expressed for many wonderful healings. We had been members of an orthodox church for many years and had tried to be students of the Bible, but it was a closed book so far as we were concerned, until we discovered the Christ, Truth, revealed to us by our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, through the pages of Science and Health.

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