When Jesus taught his disciples to pray, ''Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven," he gave to the world a key that would open the door of human consciousness to the kingdom of heaven. God's will is law, the law of good, the law of divine Mind, of eternal Life, of inexhaustible Love, wholly beneficent, wholly blissful.
This will of God operates eternally and impartially as the everpresent unfoldment of good, and man has but to become consciously at one with this divine will or law, in order to rule out of his experience the supposititious law of evil activity which seems to operate through the human will as opposed to the divine. It is most important to understand what Christian Science teaches of the nature of human will, for it includes vastly more than mere domination or insistence upon the attainment of selfish desire.
It is not difficult for many to accept the definition of God as given on page 465 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, which reads, "God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love;" neither is it difficult to prove by many marvelous demonstrations the power of this understanding of the nature of God to overcome untoward conditions. But to uncover and destroy the inimical so-called forces, such as tempest, flood, and earthquake, as well as the warring elements of mortal mind in the lives of individuals and nations, requires more than mere admittance to oneself of the goodness and allness of the one Mind. In fact, our Leader points out on page 252 of Science and Health, "A knowledge of error and of its operations must precede that understanding of Truth which destroys error, until the entire mortal, material error finally disappears, and the eternal verity, man created by and of Spirit, is understood and recognized as the true likeness of his Maker."