Christian Scientists everywhere again are reminded of the happy privilege which is theirs to invite into their homes the young men and women who for the time being have left their own homes in order to serve their country and assist in ensuring freedom for all mankind. This activity can best be promoted by the formation of committees by individual Christian Scientists. While these committees are not appointed by the executive boards of branch churches, the personnel and activities may be approved by them.
It is hoped that no men or women in uniform who attend the services in Christian Science churches will be permitted to leave without having been greeted, particularly when they are unaccompanied by civilians. It is advisable that a member of the hospitality committee be stationed near each exit immediately after the close of all services. Sometimes servicemen and servicewomen who have the greatest need leave at once, not being ready themselves to reach out for the friendship which may be offered if they linger with those in the foyer.
Some of the fruits of home hospitality may be cited to show the need for this activity.