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From the August 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christ Jesus demonstrated that his spiritual selfhood was the Son of God. But he did not confine this idea of divine sonship to himself alone. He spoke of "your Father" and "our Father," as well as "my Father." In many other statements we have Jesus' own words for our authority in claiming our true identity exactly as he did. His glorious example brought to light that which is divinely true about each and every one of us.

Christian Science makes it plain that the term "Son of God" does not refer to human personality. In "A Christmas Sermon" by Mary Baker Eddy, to be found in her book, "Miscellaneous Writings," the distinction between the divine and the human is made clear. She writes (p. 161): "To the senses, Jesus was the son of man: in Science, man is the son of God. The material senses could not cognize the Christ, or Son of God: it was Jesus' approximation to this state of being that made him the Christ-Jesus, the Godlike, the anointed." Acknowledging Jesus to be the Way-shower, Christian Science reveals how it is possible to demonstrate progressively this approximation to real being— to divine sonship.

This Science declares God to be absolutely, infinitely, indivisibly All, and recognizes man as God's expression. Accepting this standpoint of God's allness, one can in true humility realize and demonstrate that "the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise" (John 5:19). This scientific acknowledgment necessarily means the renunciation of material tendencies, opinions, and beliefs, and the consequent thinning of the mist of mortal sense. Then the Christ-consciousness is seen to shine ever more brightly in beautiful, happifying, and harmonizing qualities that are the direct activity of Mind. Whatever divine Principle, Love, does, that must Love's idea do likewise. In the truth of being, in the allness and oneness that is God, it is utterly impossible to do anything apart from or to be unlike God, good, Love.

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