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From the August 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The desire to be great is planted deeply in mankind. When cherished as a desire for nobility, it can lead to happy experiences. But when motivated by a wish to dominate, it causes much evil. In speaking of this human longing, Jesus said (Mark 9:35), "If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all." However, the false sense of a power apart from God, which Christian Science terms "mortal mind," is always trying to excel over its own false concept of itself and others which it calls persons. The pride of place and desire for power, which breed envy, jealousy, deceit, hatred, and revenge, are enemies to progress and demonstration.

What is it that says one is more talented, more brilliant, more practical, or more astute than another? Surely not God, for He said (Gen. 1:26), "Let us make man in our image." Then whatever claims more of God's qualities for one than for another is mortal mind's opinion of its own personal sense of self. And be assured that mortal mind's opinion is never impersonally generous. It arrogantly claims one individual to be phenomenal in his abilities and accomplishments or bemoans another's lack of talents.

Divine Mind alone recognizes and rewards true worth. Christian Science teaches that right motives remove human obstacles or limitations. The only way then to determine whether or not our offering is worthy is to search our motives. Divine Love knows its own. No matter what our human activity may be, if our desire is to bless our fellow man and give the glory to God, we are living the Golden Rule. So doing, we need not be concerned with comparisons.

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