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From the August 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN the Scriptures we have Isaiah's glorious promise (30:21), "And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left." We are all travelers. There is some goal before us all which we are endeavoring to reach. Some of us are seeking the way to health; some are trying to find the way out of sin and wrong. Others are striving to overcome lack and want; still others are searching for the way that leads to success, security, and affluence. All want to discover the way of true peace and abiding joy.

Christian Science declares and demonstrates that there is such a way. It is open for all to walk in; it ever leads forward. When faithfully followed, it takes us safely to our journey's end, to high attainment and noble achievement. It is the way of Love, the way of God. the way of light and understanding. This way guarantees a sure entrance into the kingdom of good, the harmony of being.

In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, writes (p. 535): "When will man pass through the open gate of Christian Science into the heaven of Soul, into the heritage of the first born among men? Truth is indeed 'the way.'" What is this truth which "is indeed 'the way'"? It is the truth about God and man's relationship to Him which Christian Science reveals and demonstrates. This revelation shows us clearly that God is infinite Love, the Father-Mother of all creation, and that His love encircles, enfolds, and sustains all reality.

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