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From the August 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

BUSINESS men and women the world over are in the midst of reconversion —the work of rehabilitating, re-establishing, and rebuilding business. They are hard at work refitting factories, reviving markets, renovating distribution methods, renegotiating contracts between management and labor, and reinvesting capital in peaceful enterprises. They are striving to solve the many problems involved with foresight and good judgment, and are seeking to restore prosperity on the basis of sound business policy.

Long ago a man undertook a similar task and carried it through to a successful conclusion. His name was Nehemiah, and his job was the rehabilitation of the city of Jerusalem, which had been laid waste by war. In the book of the Bible which bears his name, Nehemiah has left his own account of his work—the rebuilding of the great wall which surrounded the city, and the restoration of the law.

The record reveals that when Hanani brought him news of the ruin in Jerusalem, Nehemiah fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. And again, before asking King Artaxerxes for permission to return to Jerusalem to rebuild it, Nehemiah prayed to God. Then with quiet assurance he set about doing what God had put in his heart to do. After surveying the work to be done, he roused the people from the apathy of years to arise and build the wall by bringing to them some realization of the active, supporting power of God. So they strengthened their hands and began this good work.

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