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From the August 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

MANY times in the Scriptures we are told of those who lifted up their eyes. Moses used the words to describe Abraham's attitude when three angels appeared and revealed to him the fate which was to befall Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 18). Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, allowing himself to be controlled by an exaggerated sense of pride and self-importance, suddenly found himself in a most unhappy and deplorable state. But let us hear his own account of his healing (Dan. 4:34, 36): "And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High. ... At the same time my reason returned unto me; ... and excellent majesty was added unto me." The Apostle John relates that "Jesus lifted up his eyes" and thanked God at the grave of Lazarus, and quickly restored him to life and health.

Do we not need to lift our vision above matter, above unreliable sense testimony, to God, the source and Giver of all good? In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 264) Mary Baker Eddy tells us that "mortals must look beyond fading, finite forms, if they would gain the true sense of things." Then she asks, "Where shall the gaze rest but in the unsearchable realm of Mind?" Obviously with material eyes we cannot see into "the realm of Mind" or "beyond fading, finite forms;" hence the importance of gaining a correct understanding of true vision. Christian Science reveals that real seeing is not material, but spiritual. Thus we lift up our eyes when we entertain pure thoughts about man and his creator, God —when we strive to see that real health, happiness, substance, activity, and intelligence are the evidences of God's perfection and goodness.

A student of Christian Science seemed unable to locate some important papers. His recollection was that he had put them into an envelope and then placed the envelope in his desk. However, a careful search revealed no trace either of the envelope or of the papers. The search was repeated several times, but without success. He then sought to realize that, as Christian Science teaches, nothing can be lost in the all-knowing divine Mind; that God, Mind, is forever expressing His intelligence through His idea, man; and that fear, ignorance, and confusion are powerless to interfere with that expression.

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